The Social Topic Report contains the definitions, reference scales and performance indicators for all social topics for the four stakeholder groups. It also contains many links to important data sources for each topic.

In 2020 all social topics where reviewed and better linkages were made with international standards and guidelines. This also resulted in a new set-up of the reference scales with clear guidance on how you can develop from an unacceptable situation to the development of positive impact and therefore a contribution to shared value.

Below an example is given on how the scale for Occupational health and Safety for workers is defined in the Social Topics report. The first column contains the scale levels; the second contains the description of the level and the third provides the performance indicators. These are generally described as true/false. Data collection is done on the performance indicator level; not that only one Performance indicator needs to be assessed. The introduction of the report provides some further instructions. For a deeper understanding of how the scales have been developed we refer to chapter 4 of the Methodology Report.

The introduction of the report provides some further instructions. For a deeper understanding of how the scales have been developed we refer to chapter 4 of the Methodology Report.

Definition of the scale level

Performance Indicators


The company is best in class compared to its peers on OHS performance.

Credible statistics show the OHS performance is best in class compared to its peers in the same sector and region, and this performance has improved over at least 3 years.

Credible statements from NGO’s Unions and workers that confirm this.


The company has a management system in place to pro-actively and continuously improve the working culture, beyond an acceptable level and can show tangible results of these efforts.

Documents that provide a credible description of management system to promote continuous improvement of health and safety and the results of these efforts.

Credible statements from NGO’s Unions and workers that confirm this.


Working conditions and working culture are adequately protecting workers health and safety, which includes that equipment, the use of personal protection equipment, the prevention of harassment are conforming to the state of the art regarding safety and exposure.

Documents like audits that show compliance with National standards, see Global ILO LEGOSH database.

Documents that show certification schemes/standards on health and safety, audits.


There has been a neglect in the working conditions (culture) regarding the maintenance and promotion of workers’ health and safety, which results in high accident rates and deteriorating health conditions of workers, but the company or facility has developed a corrective action plan with clear timeline for completion.

While the company is in an area where this situation often occurs according to statistics, there is evidence that the company has started to address the situation with a clearly defined timeline.

There are incidents of complaints, lawsuits and other signals but they  have been significantly reduced during the last 3 years.


There is a neglect in the working conditions (culture) regarding the maintenance and promotion of workers’ health and safety, which results in high accident rates and deteriorating health conditions of workers.

Complaints, lawsuits and other signals.

Absence of positive information, while the company is in an area, where the risk of bad health and safety situations often occurs according to generic statistics.